The underdog, according to Collins English Dictionary is the party ” in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.” We all love a good underdog story don’t [...]
As we grow up, social norms and rules shape how we think and therefore how we behave as children: You can play in your room, for example. You may not not play in the garden at 8 am on a Sunday [...]
Ich freue mich riesig! Ich durfte zu einem Artikel beitragen in einer Serie zu Mitarbeiter*innen Coaching bei Start-ups. Letztens habe ich hier zum Thema Coaching in Unternehmen geschrieben und [...]
Unwritten systemic laws, that is what we started talking about in my last two blog posts, initially in German, followed by English. In those I focused on the balance of give and take and how [...]
Connect, according to the Oxford dictionary means – to make a link …. between one thing and another, between someone and something, between someone and oneself. Sounds easy, and it can be, unless [...]
Du hast hart gearbeitet für Dein Expert*innenwissen. Jahrelang warst Du in einer Ausbildung, im Studium, in vertiefenden Kursen. Hast Dir den Respekt für Dein Wissen in der Firma und vielleicht [...]