Recently I wrote about giving that unsatisfactory answer to trainees in leadership trainings I hold. The questions usually circles around the fact that one, or multiple trainees, ask what tool to [...]
There is this German saying that I use sometimes, ok many times, when working with leaders: If you can’t lead yourself, then you can’t lead others. And as I prefer things phrased [...]
Vor kurzer Zeit las ich einen Kommentar der ungefähr auf folgendes hinauslief: Der Autor beklagte die folgende Situation, in der, wie er sie betitelte „armen Führungskräfte„, und der [...]
I stumbled across this interesting impulse on empathy and caring, both topics that have been on my mind a lot recently. Since last year I have focussed on care and what it means to me, balancing [...]
The last few weeks and months have left me, next to feeling slightly lost for words, with an even deeper conviction that empathy is a key skill for humans: in life, in leadership, and in [...]
Ungeschriebene systemische Gesetze – kommt Ihnen komisch vor? Dabei sind sie uns intuitiv bekannt und in Fällen von Grenzüberschreitungen sofort klar. Zum Beispiel: ist der Ausgleich von Geben [...]
Or not! I am sure you have read umpteen articles about motivation, some of which maybe on this website. Most time of my time spent with leaders focusses on what they would like or think they [...]
A short while ago I introduced the inner team and how it can support introspection and self-leadership in difficult and ambiguous situations. Today I would like to go through an example with you [...]
Why do I do what I do? At at least one point in everyone’s life, many times in more, we make decisions on where our career will go, we set the course by determining what we would like to do and [...]
Es geht Richtung Feiertage. Ob Sie Weihnachten, Kwanzaa oder Chanukka feiern, oder sich einfach auf das Ende des Jahren und den einhergehenden Anfang des Neuen freuen, diese Jahreszeit bringt für [...]