Es ist Zeit für den zweiten Teil der Artikelreihe! Nach dem ersten Interview, geht es zu Annika. Es geht um Menschen, die mich als Coach und Trainer*in inspirieren. Die Interviews sind [...]
The underdog, according to Collins English Dictionary is the party ” in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.” We all love a good underdog story don’t [...]
I am thrilled to introduce a guest blog to you, by Ava Stacie Myrtle, which builds on my previous articles this year in terms of mindfulness, mental health and the power of permissions. Enjoy! [...]
As we grow up, social norms and rules shape how we think and therefore how we behave as children: You can play in your room, for example. You may not not play in the garden at 8 am on a Sunday [...]
Wir wachsen von klein auf mit gesellschaftlichen Prägungen auf: Das darfst Du, z.B.: Du darfst in Deinem Zimmer spielen Das darfst Du nicht, z.B.: Du darfst nicht um 8 Uhr morgens im Garten [...]
What did you want to be when you were a teenager? When I was 14 I decided I wanted to build airplanes. Originally I wanted to fly airplanes, the big Jumbo jets, that is; but I had been informed [...]
A short while ago I introduced the inner team and how it can support introspection and self-leadership in difficult and ambiguous situations. Today I would like to go through an example with you [...]
Why do I do what I do? At at least one point in everyone’s life, many times in more, we make decisions on where our career will go, we set the course by determining what we would like to do and [...]
How do you feel about feedback? Do you give feedback on positive aspects of your teams performance and points worth improving easily, or does your stomach register protest at the very idea of [...]
Danke an FutureLearn für weitere super interessante Einblicke in #Agile und#DesignThinking. Ich freue mich darauf, in meinem nächsten Training, User Stories einzusetzen! 🥳 You and your team wish [...]