In Agil, Business Coaching & Training, Teamwork

Danke an FutureLearn für weitere super interessante Einblicke in #Agile und#DesignThinking. Ich freue mich darauf, in meinem nächsten Training, User Stories einzusetzen! 🥳

agile leadership business training hamburg

You and your team wish to fulfill your potential?

I am your business coach and trainer in Hamburg when it comes to leadership, global teamwork and expat management.

Be it business coaching, business training or facilitation, here in Hamburg, remotely or at your location, in native English or German. Contact me!

Sie und Ihr Team wollen Ihr volles Potential entfalten?

Ich bin Ihre Business Coach und Trainer*in in Hamburg in Sachen Führung, globalem Teamwork und Expat Management .

Ob Business Coaching, Business Training oder Moderation, vor Ort persönlich in Hamburg, remote oder an Ihrem Standort, in Muttersprache Englisch oder Deutsch. Kontaktieren Sie mich!

Contact us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you asap.

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teamwork business coaching training hamburgbusiness leader meditation coaching hamburg